Our goal … to empower those with the aptitude to change the world!
“Much Like You, We Are Individuals Working Together To Change The World. We May Not Succeed, But We’ll Never Know, If We Don’t Try.”

The programs we offer, however, have one thing in common - they were developed to meet the needs of current and/or future employers rather than employees. To this end, the programmatic focus is on the needs of the learner rather than those of the institution; the IUE does not key on the tradition of putting a purported expert in front of a classroom to impart his or her understanding of the theory of a subject … pitting their expertise and wisdom in rote fashion, against practical, real-world, and real-time skills and understanding.
With the homogenization of higher education, the IUE chose, from the outset, to differentiate itself from all other institutions of higher learning by clearly stating that the focus of all credentials-oriented programs is to fill the gap that has always existed in our education system … that of providing for the unique education needs of the employer.
The programs and courses offered through the IUE have a clear focus on the major components of entrepreneurship and entreprenology. Additionally, they are not academic in nature, they are experiential. Entrepreneurship is the base upon which the discipline of the employer is built. Entreprenology - the concept originated and developed by Dr. James R. Omps and his colleagues of the time, expands upon that base – takes it to a much higher level.
The result is a range of programs targeting, and effectively providing for, the education and training needs unique to those who create the clear majority of jobs … the employers. If the goal of the learner is to prepare himself or herself to become an employer, or if it is simply to learn to think and/or make important decisions from the employer’s perspective, then the values, programs, courses and options that spring from this dynamic discipline, are key to the creation, adoption or adaptation of the most critical proficiencies they will need … a functional understanding of value-creation, and the ability to either discover or develop an entreprenological mindset. They then learn to apply the core qualities to their professional and personal lives. The eventual outcome … success!

We know that there is always going to be a need for well-educated employees. That said, we are confident that the countless tradition-oriented and conventional schools, colleges, and universities, around the world, are more than capable of educating future employees without our help. While we have delivered some programs for a few undergraduate students who insisted – younger men and women seeking programs that were a departure from those offered by a Harvard, or a Cambridge, or any of the thousands of tradition-oriented schools that dot the globe - we do not offer undergraduate programs as a rule.
Dr. James A. Omps
Appropriate Education = A Better World
For nearly half a century, the IUE has been continually creating, developing and updating programs, embracing the change that is occurring on a global basis. Common sense mandates that we not only see what is coming, but that we take steps to mitigate the impact and adapt to the outcomes. Change is a universal constant … one phenomenon we can be certain will occur. To adapt effectively to impending change requires the ability to filter what we observe:
Through our knowledge - what we know or believe we know,
Through our experience - those things we understand from first-hand engagement, and
Through the lens of a fully-engaged imagination.

The IUE’s founding mission was – and remains – presenting relevant discussions, conferences, and seminars, and offering relevant courses and programs for those committed to embracing beneficial and pertinent change. Is that easy? If it was, every individual, entity and institution would be doing it. The IUE has taken the lead in bringing knowledge, experience and imagination together since 1972.